Rosella Tolfree's World
A series set in a politically dark and dystopian future of the U.S.A.
Featuring blogs that explains Rosella's World
Rosella Tolfree's World is a fictional world.
Back in 1979, Laakso and Taageper introduced a mathematical formula that predicted the effective number of political parties in a parliamentary, or similar political system.
As an author, it was easy enough to split up the seats of both houses of Congress and the Presidency into multiple parties. It’s harder to come up with the "how we got there". See my Medium series on it here. For most of its political life the U.S. has been a two-party system, this has not always been the case based on this formula. Between the years of 1805 to 1809 and again in 1819 to 1825 the U.S. had effectively only one political party, namely the Democrat-Republicans. Then during 1855 to 1857 we see three parties as the Whigs collapse and the Republicans are formed. By Rosella’s time the Green Party now controls 26% of the seats, Libertarian Party 18%, Democratic Party 15%, Republican Party 12%, Sanford Party 12%, American Solidarity Party 10%, The Workers Freedom Party 5%, and the Reformed Torres Party 2%. But where the President is concerned, Congress has only elected either a Democrat or Republican during Rosella’s time. Thus, showing the historical sway of both parties have over the other parties in Congress. Allowing the Democrats and Republicans to maintain the airs of the keepers of political tradition. While we know most of the parties I’ve listed, three are new. A group of unnamed individuals created the Sandford Party (sometimes misspelled as Sanford to hide its origins) as a reaction to the ever-increasing use of androids as a substitute for human labor. This party is actively seeking the adoption of a Constitutional amendment to institute corporate human slavery to ensure the priority of human work in society. The Workers Freedom Party are American communists. This group came into power in the late 21st century because of extreme socialist activity in the nation. They are constantly seeking to hold a new constitutional convention to reshape America’s democracy. The Reformed Torres Party is a latecomer to the U.S. political scene. Some political scientists say they are a knee jerk reaction to both the Sanford Party and Workers Freedom Party. The party is a radical group of Americans, which many of its members can trace their ancestry back to the original founding of the nation. This party is seeking America to rejoin the British crown. They are constantly trying to push for Articles of Dissolution and adopting the Declaration of Allegiance to the Crown of England. There are also lesser parties in society that control the local and state level of American politics. This is where you find groups like the Neo Obliteration Movement and the National Socialist Movement. These groups are politically active in small towns and cities across the U.S. You find these two groups only being able to control two seats on a city council or some other elected position. Rarely you’ll find them in a state legislative position, but it’s not unheard of depending upon the state. As you can tell, Rosella’s political world for the U.S. has fallen into a multiparty reality. America has never truly had such party chaos before, but then again Rosella’s future is filled with major ecological disasters. The two realities are more interconnected socially than many realize. Take today and the pandemic. We see the rise in social activism despite a deadly disease being present. Why would Rosella’s future be any different? Author Note- My use of the word illuminati in reference to politics is a reference to the card game by Steve Jackson Games called Illuminati. ##### Image- George Floyd Protest, By Mike Von, Source Unsplash, Unsplash License. (Processed using Adobe Spark) Image- Rosella Tolfree Political Illuminati, AEM Services. CategoriesAll Comments are closed.
AuthorSeth Underwood writes adult science fiction and political dystopian science fiction. His future political dystopian U.S. world features decades of despot presidents, a flooded world, and new para-military force known as the Ranger Marshals. He has freemium stories at www. Archives
June 2023